I run workshops on qualitative research methodology and design, application of NVivo software and provides consultation and mentoring services for researchers at all levels as well as research teams and departments.

I am a qualitative researcher, and have been for almost 20 years. For the last ten years, I have been a global certified platinum trainer of NVivo, a qualitative research software program. My training skills also extend to coaching and consulting in qualitative research methods, as well a range of CAQDAS software programs including MAXQDA, Quirkos, Delve and Dedoose.

My skills allow me to research in a variety of qualitative methods and disciplines. I have researched in areas such as social welfare, migration and mobility, learning and teaching, architecture and psychology. I’ve been privileged to work on larger research projects including Royal Commissions.

I provide research methods training, software training and coaching services for research students and academic staff. I run workshops on how to use and apply research software.

Please get in touch if you would like to organise a training session or consultancy. You can contact me by completing the form below or via email: anuja.cabraal (at) gmail.com. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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